He walked in silence and darkness succeeded to see two figures, hugging, sleeping. Poor stupid, how could he think that he loved her seriously? He could not understand that he was just using? It was just fresh meat?
The morning after Maya had to use all his self-control not to overturn the table and slapped his 16 year old daughter.
"Malaga dear, you are now is not big enough and more suited to your age going around the house in underwear or stubborn to sleep with Jacob, you know people talk about the last thing we want is a scandal in our house "
He said it is cold and detached and cold in the kitchen fell silent, Jacob was amazed and watched with eyes full of love Malaga with his head down and spoon in the air ..
"I think my mother knows about us .. we should probably tell him, in the end a few more years of age and I can not forbid us to be together .."
"Malaga does not make a child! What do you say to your mother? What we love? How I take it? No it is not the case .. "
Before the conversation went beyond joined the duo Maya
" Tonight will be dinner with us DeStruits, a family are very important so please, dress well, Mal is a habit in your room, put it and not make matters "
That same evening, the doorbell rang at 8 am. Front of the house there were Destruit Lauren, a former client of Maya and chairman of one of the largest construction companies, his wife Sofia, and owner of the said construction company, and their son Stephen.
"Lauren! What a pleasure! For years we've seen, thanks for coming .. but well .. Please enter "
After a thousand pleasantries Maya set in motion his plan and began to talk with the last member of the House DeStruits.
The young Stephen scarrozzato be hated by his parents. Old houses full of people old as his mother were "the cream of the crop of BellaDonna" with which he must have something to do when you inherit the empire of the family .. needless to explain that his time will come when the catananni will all be underground .
"You have to be Stephen, how time flies! I remember when you and Malaga were playing together in the park .. but where is it? Wait for the call .. how will be happy to see you! "
that time and that time only, was happy to be carried around and the reason was the goddess of the joy that dress with red walking towards him. To say walking is certainly an insult, some feet were not created to touch the ground on which ordinary mortals walk ..
He came smiling and pushing back the cowlick from his face, he looked at her without saying a word ecstatic, enraptured, enchanted by her soulful eyes, his soft mouth and her hair that gave off a sweet fragrance, if only she could have reached out el'avrebbe made to disappear in the black hair. If only he could he would marry her at that moment ..
They began to talk quietly and amicably. Malaga found him funny and a bit 'funny, well .. he ..
Jacob takes is one look at that 16 year old to understand her feelings .. what game he was playing Maya?
His intentions were clear when he looked at the boys and said
"I have an idea! Stephen is new and does not know the city well, you could go out together sometimes .. "
" I'd love if you always .. be .. "
accepted with pleasure, after Stefano was sympathetic and even she had many friends. It would have been nice to go out with a friend when Jacob was at work or simply too tired to do it .. did not realize, however, the eyes full of hatred and threw her behind Jacob Maya. In late evening
Jacob was a bundle of nerves, Maya knew it was already obvious. He had already reckoned to reveal forbidden love, tell her how her daughter did it feel good .. but kept putting off, concerned about the safety of the girl than for her, Maya would not understand and certainly his revenge would have been terrifying. He got lost in his thoughts in the room and lay down next to Malaga that he began to speak like a machine
"Stephen is really nice you know? I'm glad to have known him, you'll see when tomorrow gets here you'll find that you'll love it too .. £
"I do not like, you look like you're the only one in the world and you're my ..
ensued a discussion, Mal accused him of being overly possessive, he accused her of failing to see how things really were. This ended with her that he got up and went out slamming the door loudly.
Mal could not understand the reason for that jealousy, after all that came out wrong if there was a bit '? Stephen was a nice guy and she totally crazy about Jacob, what harm could never have happened?
While he was sitting on the edge of the bed nervously nibbling his nails the message arrived. He smiled. "I'm sorry, I'm crazy about you, back in the room .. I can not sleep without te.Ti love. J. "
" We said gelosone mine? "
" Come here, I want to talk about the past .. "
Malaga the next morning went on unabated tease .. After the
jealousy? "
"Not at all," he said grabbing her arms and thrown back on the bed. Worshiped on Sunday, it was not necessary to get up and travel back to the real world, could stand to cuddle in bed for most of the day .. Over lunch, however, sounded
the phone, Malaga and ran to meet Jacob laughing watching said he knew who was calling ..
was right
"Alloraaaa ... ready for a ride? In an hour? I'll wait .. "
His head peeped into the kitchen and said loudly" I go out, Stefano, an hour .. "then ran to get ready to Jacob closed his stomach, he was jealous as hell, on the other hand had divide his attention with a little boy who had many more things in common with Malaga over him .. suddenly felt old.
damn accurate as the tax DeStruits Stephen stood before the house and Malaga it swept with a stream of words as they walked toward the center.
Simon had gone to rest and Maya took the opportunity to address the bastard traitor
"I caught .. take advantage of to make me pay for my daughter is a true masterpiece .. congratulations .. "
" I'm not taking advantage of her, love her .. "
" The AMI? And me? What a fucking end I did? Everything we were promised all these years of waiting .. you have them deleted? Gone for one that could be your daughter? "
" I'm gone because of you and your behavior! Watched! You brought Malaga in the life of a teenager just to separate us! "
is nice where you're wrong, I am showing the only alternative, Stefano is perfect for her and you know otherwise you would not so afraid of a boy! "
" Time is not on your side and you can not deny Jac, every day you become more beautiful and every day the weather relentlessly creates a new line on your face .. you can deny this? "
" You know us? Of what was there? Love that united us? "
" Does not he know it? Do you think if you would like to know how you used me? Do you think you would like to know that almost 17 years have lived under the same roof as the man who hates the earth to be with me? "
" You and I belong Jacob Conser and you can not not face the reality .. "
He walked up and wrapped his arms before kissing him. Jacob had forgotten how soft her lips were, how inviting her perfume, her skin as smooth ..
A thud, dry and clear.
Simon VanHolden slumped to the ground was hit by a lightning stroke. The rush to the hospital was completely useless ..
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