and this is the fourth part ..=) thanks for the previous comments of my new readers =)
the morning of Maya began with his now indispensable bathroom ..
His life was going well all things considered, he had a job and had met a nice guy.
That probably just knew what his job would run screaming ..
Maya spent about 3 hours to reflect on whether to get out and live their lives freely with Jacob ..
This thought led her and also had breakfast and was on the phone back to reality ..
The harsh reality, however, was this: She was a prostitute and had to work for a living
"Mr. .. VanHolden prejudice. Thanks for the compliment but sees no down payment to cancel an appointment at what seems rude. Did you know that you do not expect a lady? "
" He wants to come to my house to apologize in person? Okay, so the look .. "
Wow !!!!! The dress of the horse was dying and had nothing to wear. He took the last savings and ran a boutique in downtown to buy a suit and expensive to improve the look ..
Once home only had time to change that here is that Mr. VanHolden played port
"Dearest! You are more beautiful than I could imagine! "
The conversation moved into the kitchen where Maya prepared (like a good lady of the house) a coffee for your guests ..
"You see Miss Roberts to forgive me I want to invite to my party where there will be some of the most important people of the city .."
Maya remained dumb, this man could afford to make any What! Thanks to him could know the right people and become a leading figure company BellaDonna!
Maybe it was not yet time to say goodbye to his work ..
"You see Mr. VanHolden, I am very pleased with your invitation .. but he knows I do not know how to dance .. "
The soothing voice and the look in his eyes languidly made readily dissolve the man who offered to give dance lessons ..
Lectures in which Simon, as he had ordered to call him, became more explicit about his interest in Maya ..
Finally came the day of the Party and Maya came home VanHolden where he was welcomed in a rather warm ..
Needless to say, he behaved like a perfect hostess and all the guests there were enthusiastic. Bella
nice polite intelligent and was described as good in the living rooms of Maya Bay BellaDonna and from that moment became the guest of honor of the many festivals held Simon.
even managed to hear the mayor who, as he looked at her, she knew she would be back to his circle of clients increasingly elite ..
Needless to say dopofesta that was celebrated on those couches, even a man, moreover, has its own needs it?
And Jacob?
opportunities it had drastically reduced the number of customers increased, and Maya was always put forward various excuses to delay the appointments with the boy who was dying to see it ..
socket that the new popularity had put aside, after he had struggled to get to that point, any love story could possibly hinder his last ascent? Heck had worked hard last year, was now almost at the top. One day
his agent (who was awarded the title then?) went into the house to compliment the progress of Maya
"I knew you had what it takes! The old Chris is never wrong! I know a star when I see one and you can, indeed MUST, do it! "
" Simon VanHolden is crazy about you! The whole city is crazy about you! If you can get married by the old nobody can stop .. conquer Bay BellaDonna in a minute! "
" Chris .. Simon is a nice person but ... "
" Do not it's just a good person, he is rich and not rich I mean filthy rich, but normal! With him and his bank account, you can get out of this dump and let it be forgot ... .. I run hours "
Maya remained stucco .. what to forget? Well ... Chris was a person and how strange sometimes ..
Loneliness of the house reminded him that she missed Jacob
Prepared spaghetti then he adored so much and decided to call him ..
"Hello .. I prepared the spaghetti if you like come here and after watching a movie? "
“ok.. ti aspetto..”
Proprio mentre lui entrava in casa ecco che suonava il telefono, lesse il numero SVH..
“che palle il capo…aspettami dentro lo liquido in 2 secondi e arrivo..”
“Si? Stavo cenando mi dica.. va bene allora a domani..”
Lui la aspettava guardando la tv. per fortuna non faceva domande sul suo lavoro altrimenti trovare una scusa sarebbe stato molto complicato.
La cena si svolse tranquillamente, avevano molto di cui parlare e con lui Maya si divertiva un mondo
was not this the normal ...
After getting the coffee they decided to watch a movie
On the couch the tension was palpable, Maya began to speak uncomfortable vacuum to fill the silence and the physical distance that existed between the two. Every time he was gone, he knew he wanted to wait, but she wanted so much ..
looked like a teenager at first crush who does not know what to do ..
"Hey why do not you come here and you're not a bit quiet?
To the second time that phrase had the desired effect
That physical contact unleashed a storm in their hormonal ..
We jumped on one another and when he tried to leave Maya whispered
"Stay .. please ..." It was made of
certain value and with a fluid motion and very quick lifted and carried into the bedroom
Where Maya rediscovered after a long time the difference between sex and love ..
He loved her with a disarming sweetness to her, too accustomed to quick and hasty sex. He studied it millimeter by millimeter the body before throwing body and soul into something they both wanted from the start. They finished
love that was already dawn, and none of them wanted to separate.
The next morning it was all natural, no pick up clothes quickly giving up on the table a check with many zeros. She and Jacob were in bed to cuddle and play as adolescents. They got up only when their stomach growls so loud to cover his laughter. Prepared together and hearty Sunday meal that was consumed in bed .. Maya wanted to
serious that that was his life ..
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