of what happened after Malaga, has only a memory. The cold. Constant, unrelenting cold. It was his heart to have frozen or was the whole world that had hibernated? From luxurious apartment window watching the people living and thinking of how we will succeed. How could laugh, play, walk or just breathe in love, knowing that lousy world were forced to do so? Living in a world where the love of your life, the man to whom you have given everything, so you would have crushed the whole world with only one finger, you threw it away. Like I'm nothing, a receipt found instill a bag .. Only Stephen could make her smile every morning he went into his room and brought her breakfast. Months were very hard for him, watching her as she was dying of love for another. Watch her despairing cry, consume the soul to someone who even remotely deserved. In three months he had never sought. He knew where he was, one evening she was armed with courage and went to Jacob to beg him to retrace his steps, he could not see it so low. He replied that it was better so that he would understand one day, and had closed the door behind him.
Only at the end of summer, when the last year of high school was just around the corner, Malaga had risen. He had gathered his forces and had faced the world. Magra Malaga had destroyed pale smile, he had loaded his knapsack on his back, was so great that it was normal for her backpack?, And was headed to school.
That was the first sign of slope, then things went more slowly, certainly not abandoned the cold and also in September with 40 degrees in the shade that dress she wore heavy wool, some moments of attacked the discomfort, but every time that happened Malaga did everything to drive them away. A solution? Jumping on the couch until it did not have the strength to breathe, but what made her feel really good ..
Stephen was jumping with her ..
was watching Stephen took care of her, he could not get an egg, who cooked for her.
Laughing its many patches to cover his fingers sliced laugh overcooked pasta, the sauce burned dell'arrosto forgotten in the oven .. the neighbors from smoking had called the fire department!
And here in the distant days of December, when the clothes were used in earnest to repair the cold ..
"You watch TV? Do not say you'd better know, look at me? I'm not beautiful? "
" Malaga moved to make the game .. "
" Never! You will have to move by force .. "
And now an innocent game turned into a kiss .. Stefano
but had given no weight, Malaga was still confused and kisses there were already other (with tragic consequences), the nose still ached at the thought, so better not delude ourselves ..
That kiss was, however, slowly, wiped the cold .. The everyday nuances
took great ..
And he kisses the frames of days become more and more beautiful.
Malaga in bed, alone, you often find yourself thinking. What he was doing was right? He had taken refuge in the arms of Stephen after less than a year after the end of his report. Jacob had forgotten? No, but it would suffice a lifetime to forget. He was about as close to love, but Stephen was his refuge, when they were together he forgot his sorrows and felt happy. That was not it enough? Slowly he opened his heart to the boy that after all those months he was content to give her chaste kisses? Perhaps selfishly only he would make happy.
The months passed, I was getting closer to summer, a year without Jacob, and the relationship between the two became more intimate. They had not made love, Ste pressure did indeed, but he was 18 years and see Mal walk into a cozy home led him to madness.
"I'll love you forever you know? If I think the first time I saw you I still have the heartbeat ... Thank you .. what are you trying to believe in us. . Do not let you down .. I swear .. "
And she believed it seriously, to the point that gives him / her your heart ..
E.. not only .. ^ _ ^
The two then never lost an opportunity, the suits were used only to exit the table not just to eat ..
And the bed, bought new less than a month, had seriously compromised the springs ..=)
he came out the summer, the two were planning to leave for a vacation ( with the greatest delight of neighbors who they can no longer screams at all hours of day and night) but this time from a Malaga hand felt weak, bad stomach, dizziness and fatigue accompanied it and the departure was postponed .. Ste
had found a summer job and Mal spent much time at home alone ..
did not have the strength to do anything, all ate the vomit and had always sleepy.
For this reason when he returned home also had to clean, but not weighed, it was more concerned about the health of his girlfriend ..
"You should see a doctor? I am concerned, always puke! "
But she said that there was no need, it would surely have been better, just had to rest .. The
because of these ailments was a clear night ..
PREGNANT ... fuck!
"Ste wake up!"
"I'm pregnant !!!!"
" Love .. calm down .. quiet .. I'm there with you .. take care of them. Give them up to college and grow together .. "
Stephen had taken his words seriously, and one morning he pulled out the famous velvet box
" I promised that I would not have ever left alone, that I would take care of you .. and if you let me I would do it for the rest of our time .. "
"is it?"
But the heart of Malaga had not forgotten .. One day while he was spending saw him enter. Dropped the basket from the supermarket and fled like a thief, the back door.
All day he could not think of him, had the vacant look, was thin and had aged .. ..
But the days ran fast and the date of birth was imminent, Malaga wanted to clear his name and wanted her baby to be born into a family healthy and full of love, instead of her when no one had the courage to be honest ..
And so in the month of lovers in the world was the small
Meridia DeStruits
And so it ends (maybe) the second generation. Let me explain a bit 'of things. The pregnancy was not planned, I had already established that the two would go to university where he would be away from each other at least for a while. Malaga would have found a boy much like Jacob and Stephen .. well .. a girl completely opposite Mal. But but but .. for my mistake, my mother called me I was convinced that he had put pause, with complicity of the two unfortunates' ACR are well thought of me this scherzone. When I discovered the pregnancy honestly felt I did not make her have an abortion, now Meridia was (and thankfully I did!) Might as well live this scenario different is not it?
We talk about Jacob and Maya, I'll see how things went on in a special.
honestly do not know if Jac and Mal never see each other again, I'm afraid that if the meeting I could not stop myself from combining a mess .. so I would up your own mind .. How about to review the two?
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