Buogiorno care ..=)
today is the special. As I wrote in a commentary in the old lj had launched a survey. The options were:
A) meets Maya and Jacob
B) Meet Jacob only
C) do not meet anyone the two
There had been a landslide victory in C (perhaps for fear of separation and Malaga Ste
cmq .. this is the first of three chapters ..
my love.
I know that I have no right to call you so, but that's what you are for me. My one and true love.
Maybe you will not understand my words, I might not have even had to write you this letter, but I could not say goodbye. See my sweet Malaga, my time on this Earth is now on its last legs.
A year ago I was osteosarcoma diagnosed with incurable. Dying does not scare me, death is just the end of my slow agony.
My death began ten years ago, when I said goodbye forever. Let you go was the hardest thing is just that I've ever done in my miserable life.
My darling before you I have always behaved like a selfish. I loved your mother and then I forgot, I made promises I never kept. I ruined his life, I ordered the madness because I did not have the courage to tell her the truth. I have not had the courage to tell her that from the moment I saw you, everything is become marginal. I preferred to pretend that that feeling had never existed.
your father for me, for she has always been just an obstacle, if he had not deceived us, we'd get married and we created a happy family ....
But it's always been just a dream, the truth is that she has created you and I have forgotten.
The truth is that she knew and he instilled in me a thousand doubts, perhaps I was too old for you? You would not have deserved someone younger? Someone to share your experiences?
Your mother ... after you left she fell into total despair. We looked get on that taxi with Stephen, and for a moment your eyes are crossed. Your eyes, your eyes full of pain have awakened.
He understood that in a vain attempt to defend a broken love affair, had departed from if the only person who had ever really loved. Thus began the end, it closed in your room through your things. We talked every day looking at pictures. I was telling you the secrets of his heart and had sweet words for you only. I watched as he longed to love you, need to talk to, the need to confide in you, with your range, made secondary to her any other need. Do not eat, not slept, talked and sang, sang and wept. His body was consumed quickly and one morning I found her lifeless on your bed. He had about him your photos, your items ... and his hands clutching the cover of your favorite memories? I could not sleep without her.
Why did I write that? I can not take other secrets to the grave.
I miss you my love. Not for a moment my heart stopped loving you, when death finally sopraggiungerĂ when my sick body cease to exist, my heart will go on for you.
're the most beautiful thing I could happen to my child, can not imagine how many times I wanted to get into your house and kidnap you. I watched you from afar all these years, I have observed fall in love with Stephen and grow your beautiful baby girl. I still remember when I saw for the first time in the supermarket, I had little more than seventeen years and you were pregnant, so see you ... it was like a deja-vu for me. ... Your mother was pregnant when I saw her & hellip , and despite everything I did not have the courage to walk away from the memories ... I'm selfish?
I wanted to meet you and kiss you ... I miss your lips ... I miss your skin hot, I miss your smile, your laughter. I miss your smile when you say you're so beautiful, I miss the way you start away the hair from her face and sweet expression in his eyes when you looked at me. I miss you and that's it. Before you say goodbye I only have one question, if I kissed you that day ...
You would have returned my kiss? Yours forever ...
That letter was all that remained of him. Was gone and could not even say goodbye.
not a child, not a house full of love, just one sheet.
Malaga's day passed quickly, perhaps too much, did not go to work, had not the strength, but it was difficult to breathe, work was impossible. Not with the soul that bleeds.
He spent his whole day on that couch staring at the newspaper, staring at those damn words, search for information in more than "Jacob Conser died of a tumor, where Malaga Van Holden finished? "
Stefano returned to a dark house, Meridia had been sent by a friend to play.
"Malaga I heard the news at work ..."
And then finally, the tears came, Malaga jumped into his arms
"It's all right love, we are here I am for you ... "
words were never more out of place ...
" It's not that I need this! "
Malaga came out in anger, useless attempts to call her back home Stephen. He had to let off steam and that Stephen was not possible. BellaDonna was amazing that night, he walked slowly, enjoying the scenery, I think in one night like Jacob, and she went out to go to the beach. The journey seemed endless and when they finally arrived in front of the beach Malaga was beside himself with joy ... They were happy ... I would be forever, maybe. A spring breeze accompanied along the promenade, I really hope that Jacob had to stay with her, without knowing how he found himself in a park, the same park where she and Jacob spent most of their days together.
watched everything carefully, trees, flowers, and benches in front of the old factory, it was all exactly the same as he had left years before. The thing that filled his heart with love was to see the swing.
He sat down and began to rock, the creak of the chains rusty brought to light other forgotten memories. Remember that she had relegated to the most remote part of his heart, he had done to Stephen. Jacob had put aside the love she felt for him for that boy who had never done anything to hurt her ... but now, it could not take it, how can live knowing that he's gone? Will never see him again ...
prey to too many emotions felt faint, the swing was too sick and she missed the first under dragged with difficulty up to the bench. Slowly regained control over it, would not go home again. ... Jacob ...
"Can I?" A deep and warm voice peeped from behind his head.
Before she could only make a response here is that the owner of that voice took a seat beside her.
Malaga looked scared, that intentions can never be that guy? It's night and she was alone in a park ... before I can formulate a sentence here that the boy began to speak.
"Sorry I did not want to scare you, but I saw you in trouble and did not want to leave you alone is a nice area to stay the night, however my name is George, very nice to meet you. "
looked like a regular guy, if he wanted to hurt her he would have done and did not waste any time showing up, instead staring at her, smiling.
Malaga was surprised nobody had ever done a nice gesture for her without expecting anything in return. Stephen also became his friend in the hope that one day she noticed him. That guy was there to keep company with a stranger, while the fixed asset noticed a detail that made her heart beat wildly.
His eyes.
Malaga froze staring at those eyes, despite the darkness would have recognized those eyes in the midst of thousands. Same color, same cut.
"Are you okay? Looks like you've seen a ghost ... "
" Well almost, see your eyes ... "and not knowing why he began to tell him his life, George was looking full of attention and not interrupted even once.
"... today I found out that he died"
"Today is the anniversary of the death of my wife, in this park a year ago, two thugs, they raped and killed. Why I'm here .... "Her eyes went out, neither of them wanted to go home and then spent the night talking on the bench.
After several hours the two decided to move towards home
"Please watch out"
"Quiet, I call a taxi"
"Thanks for keeping me company Malaga, if you like to chat this is my number "
"Thank you George ..."
Malaga thought that Stephen was asleep, went into the house on tiptoe
"Finally you're back ... I was worried" there was no anger in his voice was rather relieved.
It was almost dawn, and instead of going to bed to prepare a coffee
"You better love? I did not want to make you angry ... "
" I think so, I was good to get out ... it's not your fault Stefano. Only after all that hurts ... it hurts "
"I love you and love you always know this .."
And the two ate breakfast, they went to wake Meridia, the bus would pass by them recently.
past week, Malaga seemed back to normal, the work proceeded very well, she and Stephen were planning to expand the family. Solita
family at Mulino Bianco, thoughts of Malaga but occasionally returned to Jacob and the stranger.
"Yes? Who speaks? "
"I'm George. I miss your voice "
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