Good evening girls ...=)
sorry if you do not comment here but there is Andrea and leisure =)))))
is very little in any case, this is the last part of the special .. then move to the third and finally to 4, which is eager to meet you ...=)
anyway Merry YEAR
hope that the year now ending was beautiful and that what is to come it is even more ...
"and so this is the only thing you wanted to take from your house .."
" it is the only memory I have left of my ... "
Malaga notes that beautiful woman and smiling and he understood where George had taken such delicate strokes. He watched the man in the photo, about fifty with glasses, but they could not hide those blue eyes. And suddenly every piece of the puzzle fits perfectly. That man was the father of Jacob. The father of George, the man who in a few hours her husband is declared.
smiled. In one way or another he would have been a part of his life
How did we get here? To understand how the facts are we have to go back ...
We no longer hear, Malaga could not allow anything or anyone smitten by Stefano. Not even his happiness.
Other months passed and the child did not come, Malaga Stefano convinced that perhaps the case was to abandon the idea. She also realized that maybe that child would never come so desired, he wanted to give Meridia a sister, she wanted to have something to do, he wanted someone to fill that void that George had left.
Less than a month before Christmas received a phone call rather unexpected.
"What? Village Takemizu? "
" Director of business? Well ... it's great when he out? "
"The week before Christmas? But you can not postpone? "
" Yes yes ... I know that winning the contract was difficult. ... I understand .... "
" I speak with my family and discuss with them .... "
Malaga Stefano said nervously walking around the house while muttering something
... "Is there a problem?"
"This ... is ... no ... months ago we presented a proposal for a contract for the construction of a hotel in Simlton Takemizu village. I was shall provide a proposal and our study was awarded the contract. "
" Well it is fantastic! Where is the problem? "
" I have to stay six months there and the first delivery of the Christmas holidays are a lot of money and the project will study and I've always dreamed of notoriety that I should leave but you and the girl alone ... "
" ... well ... I think you should accettare.Un occasion such does not happen every day. Moreover, even Meridia will be gone with the Erasmus project remember? I will manage it very well ... "
" Mal you sure? You've never been alone and ... have not yet overcome the death of Jacob .... "
" I told you ... go tell your daughter to go ... "He smiled ...
" Love Dad should talk .... "
" I know, I've heard ... Let's just hope the mother does not feel too our lack "
She was so immobile with a stupid smile on his face. Six months of pure freedom, time for herself at last! She felt selfish for feeling this way but could not help it. Stephen loved to madness
their work, Meridia had his school projects to think about, she had no time for herself in As every free minute was devoted to his family.
"Come on! We must go shopping! "
Stephen Meridia wanted already be parties, both hated going out shopping ...
he came out the morning of departure, unfortunately the date was the same one that Stephen Meridia. Their organization was flawless ..
Early in the morning the two accompanied the child in front of school where the teacher was waiting for them.
greeted that Meridia was eager to give
And then they went home. They waited outside the bus talking about this and that. For months now their relations were cool and intimate contact limited to attempts to have a baby. Abandoned the project was forgotten even sex. This situation had been created also by the will of Stephen, it happened at times that night in Malaga are looking for him but he responded that he was tired at the end ... he stopped trying and was content to sleep.
"I'll call you when I get ..."
Malaga enjoyed the first day of absolute solitude, not cooked, not cleaned, did nothing. Spent the morning sleeping and the afternoon reading.
When evening came, however, loneliness began to be felt, "said the email Ste sailed across the world,
He called for Meridia to be told of the trip.
She missed George and could not deny it. In those months he had buried his feelings. Things were becoming too much to hide, however, and she was afraid she would die under the weight of all those secrets.
He went to the receiver and dialed the number for George. He did not even have time to change his mind he said
"Arrival" and hung up. His heart began to beat a thousand. Possible? Is it possible that someone other than Jacob managed to explode the heart from his chest? When the bell rang
Malaga could not restrain a smile. It was possible.
The dialogues were initially embarrassed, not seen for months and had a lot of things pending. As usual, George was to dissolve the embarrassment when at one point embraced her putting her head in her hair and filled his lungs with the scent so much desired.
On the couch began to heat up the atmosphere, Malaga and George wanted was excitement in the air.
The words were no longer needed, only greedy hands that explored their bodies feverish ...
and when they were about to leave to each other
rang the bell
was came the pizza.
Malaga and tried to compose himself as he approached the door he felt an arm pull. George held her
"I could not wait a second longer"
And finally kissed her. The kiss broke a dam, Malaga clung to him and ended up on the couch caught by the passion, the impatient ringing of a messenger came in second place.
"How about if we go there?"
Sex with George was ... breathtaking. He wanted so much that every time and every place was the perfect place. Malaga had never felt this way, a slave to something that made her happy to the point that her forget herself. He was absolutely perfect, suddenly turned from sweet loving and caring in a volcano of passion, more than once during sex she remained breathless.
experimented with sex why he had done with such intensity that even the writers of the Kama Sutra would be blushing in front of certain scenes.
He moved from her in those months, they did not want to stay away if not for the time needed ...
Christmas Eve was a wonderful evening. While preparing the roast out of Malaga began to snow and he did all he could to prevent her from seeing him before the exchange of gifts. She loved the snow and wanted that night was the best night of his life.
"My gift can not be packaged as" the whispered while gently stroking her hair.
He knelt
"I give you my heart princess ... will you marry me?"
Malaga's eyes filled with tears
"Jacob is a married woman you know ... I have a daughter ... "
He wanted to die, he would have given up everything for him but that was his family ...
" I know ... but we will find a solution together. I love you, I've brought back to life and I'm not going to give you up ... "
" You want to marry you ... "he said softly, could not believe that there might be something a wonderful time in life. So that he could fall in love again .. Malaga
very often felt that her daughter was enjoying himself, much less die from Stefano. He always had little time to write, no time to phone and his emails were always shorter. As was the case for sex also broke off their correspondence.
often forget to have a husband across the ocean, too distracted by other things ..
The snow and cold winter and the flowers give way to spring. Malaga at the weekend and George behaved like normal people.
often went to play pool,
Malaga was a champion, and George was also beaten at every game se il più
delle volte mentre lei era intenta a tirare lui..
“guardandoti così mi passa la voglia di giocare…” facendo inevitabilmente sbagliare una Malaga bordeaux in viso.
O magari andavano a giocare a bowling, anche qui però la loro permanenza era limitata e spesso abbandonavano la partita a metà per tornare di corsa a casa.
Quando ci si diverte però il tempo vola, il ritorno di Meridia e Stefano si avvicinava a enormi falcate e Malaga era sempre più in crisi.
Che fare una volta che fosse tornato Ste? Come spiegargli who was madly in love with someone else? Another who looked like Jacob, but that was totally different? For the first time in years he was happy again? How to explain that even though they had a daughter she could no longer think of them as a family? Often when returning from work Giorgio found himself near the box to store family photos. Every once burst into tears saying that he was a monster and that would hurt everyone with his behavior ...
he came out the summer and also their last day together. George picked up his stuff looking at a troubled Malaga. He wanted to be with her when she confessed to Stephanie about their relationship, he wanted to be there and hold her hand. But she had not wanted. His marriage was over and she had to be to tell him was to Ste.
That evening the two were greeted at the door
"If you need me call me ... I will run to you"
Alone panic broke out. What would tomorrow?
The morning after a bus left a grown Meridia doorstep. Malaga ran to embrace her child, she had no one to die young lady Saputelli.
The two entered the house and after eating a huge portion of pancakes to Mal "little face became serious in
and said, "Dad is coming with a person here"
"Love Dad and I will have a lot to talk about when it comes, me and him we want you forever and you'll be good neighbors ..."
First Meridia, which could replicate the doorbell rang. It was him, it was time.
The greeting was quite cold, Stefano seemed another person. In his eyes there was the sweetness of the past, only peace and happiness. While
Malaga was a thousand questions about your journey on Japan rang the bell. At the door there was a girl wearing a kimono.
"You Aliud, the head of the yard. When I saw I lost my head for her. She is totally opposite to you. No offense of course, I loved you but my love was an adolescent. I'm in love with you because I could not have you, and even when you were mine was as if I were not the same. I realized how many things were not going in our marriage when you hear about Jacob, such a reaction should have been for me, your husband, the father of your child, not for a man that has destroyed her life. You can not imagine how many times I wanted to die just to see what you have done. Then I discovered the existence of George and I finally realized that I'd ever loved, you would have pretended to do so throughout their lives only to protect me. "
" Leaving was the best thing that could have happened in recent months, my heart is free to you and your ghost, meet Aliud was one of the best things that could happen to me, loves me unconditionally, no ghost will ever divide us. "
" I'm sorry I hurt and deceived, I believed seriously in our marriage ... "
" I know you are forever my best friend. I brought the divorce papers. Please sign it. Then we will take a plane and go back to Japan. I asked Meridia if you would join us, do not look bad, he said no. "
came the moment of saying goodbye, this time for ever ..
The two women watched this man loved by both say goodbye to their bambina.Malaga was happy for Stephanie, she was convinced that he would break your heart ... just as well ...
"Dad will never come true?"
"No love but you can go to him whenever you want"
"I know this mother George, if you can to make you smile, it must be special "
The meeting between the two was exciting for everyone. Meridia was a little girl wake up, tied immediately that guy with blue eyes and often phoned home to invite him to dinner. He knew his mother wanted to take it slow for her, but she did not want to wait. They loved each other and it was clear that she knew next to nothing of love, then they were married and did a little brother!
"You should ask your mum to marry you know?"
A little 'explanation. In the three choices, not just meet to meet Jacob or both, this was the middle way. That did not fundamentally change my story.
But before I explain the other
MEETS JACOB alone: this was the best choice, the two would be cleared up and he would tell the story of their family. Mass in front of so much pain and lies, Malaga would be seriously engaged in his marriage and would have seriously fallen in love with Stephen. And they would live happily
MEETS BOTH: the worst, as every woman who sees her next to another man, Malaga would do anything to get it back. she would have succeeded and would have been pregnant. This time, Jacob did not make the same mistake again and the two would flee together, leaving Stephen to grow Meridia.
YOU DO NOT MEET: Did not change the status quo, I was only "forced" to turn back the clock. Malaga has never liked Stephen, love him, yes. But none of the time più.Con Malaga would no longer able to pretend to love him, closing in on itself. The betrayal, however, would leave the party from Stephen, he sought love in fleeting relationships with other women, until you meet Aliud. Malaga
would never have met George (which was a shame really)
Meridia in any event would grow healthy and happy. is a very bright girl, with above normal intelligence and sensitivity.
Now I explain the story of George for good. His father, Frederick Moldaca, was a dissolute young man who arrived in the Bay of BellaDonna with a cardboard suitcase and a heart full of dreams. He rented a room in a building populated by prostitutes, including the Gwendolyn Conser. The young was captured from the eyes of the young Frederick, and the two began a love affair.
customers include Gwendolyn Simon VanHolden there was, at that time little more than thirty. Extremely spoiled and conceited as soon as he discovered his love of that beautiful young prostitute and decided that was the case to eliminate a rival in love.
his henchmen went to pick up after the young and beaten up, Simon filled it with gold and forced him to leave the city if he wanted to see the light of the sun.
Frederick departed and married Gwendolyn Simon, Jacob was born with those distinctive blue eyes. She had just time to see them and died ...
Frederick moved to another city and did Fortunately, now close to retirement, he married his secretary, and George was born.
His parents died in a plane accident when George was very small. Once George decided to leave for graduate BellaDonna to revive her father's life, here he met Stella, the two fell in love and George moved ...
Sorry for the poem!
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