Saturday, September 29, 2007
Friday, September 28, 2007
Masuri Crickets Helmets
What ever I am not convinced, and said with all due respect, when we speak of today's Italy, is the definition of 'Second Republic'.
Nowhere is ground where the law (ie the Parliament), it is never said that the First Republic had been placed in the attic of a new Constitution and a new organization resulting from it.
Patience, good to accept this label that figure comes from an illustrious political science, as explained on the 'Express' came out today Edmondo Berselli, an essayist across the board that deals with sports on Monday morning to radio, television and life of the party on Friday ; the weekly Roman, and other days he writes articles for various tasty humanity in the newspaper founded by Eugenio Scalfari.
However Berselli on 'Express' now based on an assumption, "Professor Giovanni Sartori is the leading Italian political scientist, has an unquestioned reputation, has an aura of international authority. "
Then back on the phrase "this miasma of putrid swamp that is now the Second Republic ', and concludes after filling the whole page with a not too enigmatic," dear master,' do '? '.
Everything would end there if it were not for the " What to do? , "title of a work of Lenin ...
the Corriere della Sera today, Gian Antonio Stella fetch Luigi Einaudi of a song by the same newspaper via Solferino, in the February 1, 1919: "We must dismiss these Almighty (...) proud to have persuaded the divine gift of guiding the people in obtaining their daily bread. For too long we have endured. The teachers return to teaching, state counselors to their opinions to the military regiments, and if they pass the age limit is piglino well-deserved rest. "
Star concludes: "It was an indifferent, Luigi Einaudi? A demagogue? A populist? A 'minstrel of Suburra "? Better to go slow, always, with the insulting label. Perhaps if politicians "Eternal Father" of the time they had heard no shrug, we would have avoided three years after the March on Rome ".
One record. The game of citations is much wider and more perverse than you can imagine.
A title, and that's it: "The minister of the underworld." Another article, another newspaper, the 'Next' on 14 March 1909. Another author, Gaetano Salvemini. One character attacks: Giovanni Giolitti.
The charge: to have gotten the suffrage using police stations and crime in the South.
's been 98 years. It seems today.
Melalite And Melacare Images
Gawronski speaks of the experience in Genoa, where they found a counselor who endorse his list.
Gawronski charge of "mediocre tricks' to 'persons directly related to the three' big 'political' operating within the Democratic Party.
Yesterday always on 'Republic' a long speech of the historical Massimo L. Salvadori concluded: "This country really needs to happen again a systemic crisis." The reference is to that of 1919-1922 Salvadori recalls that, following the trail and the theory of Eugenio Scalfari.
I personally feel out of place to recall the crisis of 1919-1922 because it arose from a political context, including international (First World War, the Soviet revolution, etc.). That does not exist today.
Salvadori in his piece has made an important point: the 'sudden success "Cricket," is a measure of the long misery of others. "
Today always on 'Republic' Piero Fassino spoke with its Ten Commandments ('proposals', he calls them) "against the anti-politics."
I read only the first: remove unnecessary entities. I've heard for half a century. For this reason I was shocked and I continued reading his piece. I apologize.
More challenging but always end up Ezio Mauro in La Repubblica that directs, where he is uncertain about the causes of this crisis is that of anti-defined. There is a loss caused by the fact that citizens were transformed by actors in the audience, rendered impotent by a vacuum dominated many negative factors such as the "subdivision of any public space with the humiliation of merit."
Very interesting is the conclusion of the article by Lucia Annunziata on "Print" today: "Just remember that politics is not solely responsible, and that the protest of those games can become a circus with which Nero took the good mob. "
We need to see change the behavior of many people, the same as Lucia Annunziata summons: those who work illegally (illegal work), corporations, those who cause inequality in corporations using the same working conditions.
If "politics is not solely responsible, it should not to be quieter but more to worry about. And I think the first to have to worry about should be the same politicians. But then we return to the classic question: has started before the crisis of society or that policy, that is, before there the chicken or the egg there?
The egg (you know) comes from something that already exists, the chicken is created instead. The trick is not so playful. Oppose Darwinism and creationism.
If there is before the crisis of society, politicians are safe. If the crisis of society is caused by politicians, then change the subject. As Mauro writes, we citizens, we feel cheated by the leading role and forced to that of silent spectators.
silent because if we speak we are paying the consequences.
From personal experience I can say that it is. The Neroni are already there, are those that require silence at the same time amuse the populace and make the deals to their friends.
are politicians that have caused the 'allotment of any public space with the humiliation of merit. " If now would be the end of Italy were also out as those other Neroni rightly feared by Lucia Annunziata, alluding to Grillo. But to avoid anything whereas in the short real and serious politicians know how to restore confidence to the people. There is not much time.
Facts like those reported from Genoa by Piergiorgio Gawronski are not comforting, because it is found that the new party was born in a different way from what was promised to clean up politics.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Does Denise Milani Have Real Boobs
Antonio Montanari |
Sunday, July 8, 2007
How Can I Watch Kutumb Online
Mass in Latin. Perhaps it would be to say that you go back to "latinorum" feared by Lorenzo Tramaglino, Renzo said, in the second chapter of "The Betrothed" by Alessandro Manzoni.
"What I want to do his latinorum?" Says Don Renzo poor Abbondio who replies: "Well, if you do not know things, have patience, and get back to those who know."
There is another famous passage of Manzoni's novel in which Latin did not need to communicate but to plug the mouth. There
father Christopher who uses it to silence between Fazio. We are in chapter eight. Among
Fazio argues the arrival of Lucia in the convent: "... but Father, father! at night ... in church ... with women ... close ... the rule ... but Father. " Among Christopher closed the speech with that '' Omnia Munda mundis "(" Everything is pure for the pure ") and forget that this [between Fazio, of course] did not intend to Latin. But this omission was precisely the effect that he did, "quips Manzoni ...
is restored before the Mass in Latin, all these doubts are suggested by an honest Catholic conscience like that of Manzoni.
Maybe we are just in front of a staging that will satisfy few scholars, and ruin decades of ecumenism.
As a young don Abbondio could it be objected (rightly) "So, if you do not know things, have patience, and get back to who knows," with a quote I am referring to a script which they will, Father Enzo Bianchi on "republic" of today July 8, 2007 makes acute observations.
the Pope argues that "a twofold use of one and the same rite," White argues: "that the differences can not be silenced." The Missal of Pius V, pray for "heretics and schismatics, because the Lord pluck them from all their errors," while the Jews will use the term "blind people."
always the form and substance. This double-missal with Latin invoked God against the errors of schism and the blindness of the Jews, is a staging that is frightening to those who, like me, only for age, has seen much, strenuous efforts to create a concept forget that the ecumenical fraternal hatred. Not for nothing that John Paul II apologized for the mistakes made by the Church of Rome, among which there are notes stakes against heretics and schismatics and the hatred against the "elder brothers" or Jews.
All this seems to be forgotten in the "joy" of the return of the Latin missal proclaimed that we see in Rome or in the 'parish' lefevriane.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Arcopedico Shoes In Singapore
when they went the other day from head of state, had agreed: "We tell. "Your majesty, the people are hungry." He will say to us: "Give the croissants." I will say that I have just a company specializing in the production of croissants politically correct. "
They entered in the study by Napolitano. He told him: 'Your Majesty, the people are hungry ...».
Napolitano did not end: "For the brioche thinks Sarkozy."
They have a look around (looking for Sarkozy?). He believed it was the brand of a supermarket.
figure when Emilio Fede's had to explain everything in a live interview.
Monday, June 11, 2007
How To Make Ready Made Pancakes
Gustavo Selva feigned sick and called an ambulance to arrive on time in television studios, from then explain to viewers what its well-known thesis that we are a country in decline because of the Left and Prodi in particular.
Selva has done nothing wrong. All politicians feel superior to normal people, and must prove it while doing something really exceptional.
is not for everyone to use an ambulance as a taxi to go on TV. But it is only and exclusively politicians seek an alibi as did the MP in question: for which it was just "an old journalist's trick."
Where the law very clear intention to justify the double himself and to consider the journalistic class worse than politicians.
Its subtle revenge against the criticism received is all there, in that implied: "Look Who's Talking", aimed at journalists with a resigned tone, smiling and asking solemn duty and silence complicity.
At this point it is not a political issue or a criminal complaint as someone suggested, it is only a matter of good taste.
When small virtues old provincial manners are not enough to sustain or justify our actions, we appeal to the great relief of the 'Look at Me. " And if they do "all", why can not we?
recently to defend the Catholic family took to the streets of political wives and lovers have more than one: their own right, for charity, but they are not to harass decent people with useless lecture plus blessed with water santa, demonstrating that the devil knows well disguise. How pious priests told us in our infancy.
Saturday, June 2, 2007
How Do Mice Communicate With Other Mice
The theme should also be of interest to us Italians. We have already seen in a previous post that from the Church of Rome has come to an alarm for concern. Monsignor Angelo Bagnasco has denounced: poverty is spreading in large segments of the population.
We are the new poor to get by begging to go to church.
So what? We are happy in the deepest As stated on the. Silvio Berlusconi, regarding the lady Michela Vittoria Brambilla . Which to publish a weekly circles Forza Italy, the "Journal of freedom," has knocked on many doors and has had abundant financial rewards for his initiative.
course Berlusconi still believes the stork. Lucky him. Blessed are you, Ms. Michela Vittoria Brambilla is that all that money around to support the ideas of a billionaire.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Latest Research On Emphysema
He had always read that in Italy we produce too many laws. Now the talk has turned upside down. Romano Prodi has accused the Parliament to work little and badly. Of the 104 government proposals, only ten have been approved.
The new laws last year (the first Prodi at Palazzo Chigi) were 38. One every ten days. When the governing center-right, the houses approve a bill every 2.6 days.
But we really need all these new laws?
Recall that the excess of regulatory requirements was also criticized by the opposition leader.
The President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano has intervened in the matter with the full weight of his role.
Apart from the obvious reminder of unruly school children (to "harmonize the work of both houses of parliament), the most important thing in his letter to the chairmen of the Chambers, is the reprimand to the government, evident in the passage on decree-laws. Once submitted are subject to change until it becomes a salad Russian. The step
Napolitano is this: "The adoption of strict criteria for avoiding substantial changes in the content of the decree-law is essential to ensuring, at all stages of the proceedings than the limits set by Article 77 of the Constitution the use of a source of law marked by extraordinary and obvious characteristics that affect the relationship's delicate-government and parliament majority and opposition. "
That you can not change the "spirit" of a decree-law in parliament, adding that got to do things like cabbage.
The allusion is to the text agreed to reschedule the debts of health, in which the government has the abolition of the ticket. The reprimand
Napolitano is flawless in terms of the Constitution. He is right to sell.
The government could defend itself by arguing that his is a well-established Italian tradition, to put something "weird" in a decree-law. And in law and politics, often suggests the tradition of traveling the same road.
work harder, for the gentlemen and senators, should not mean more to produce a continuous stream, but try to understand the real needs of the country. To which the sovereign parliament should be careful.
But the parliament is not only a majority. In it, the opposition also has a role. What now seems be reduced only to the countdown to the end of the Prodi government.
But this is not a good method of parliamentary work. For the sake of democracy. It is useless to bandy around the polls, as is constantly Berlusconi. Which now gives the government 23%. This virtual reality can cheer his fans, but there is no point in the difficult road of politics as the common good.
As there is no point to the statement of Walter Veltroni. If with Sarkozy in France goes to the government of a man who left the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Bernard Kouchner, said the mayor of Rome, let us also in Rome, Gianni Letta, former undersecretary to the Prime Minister Berlusconi. It is no good because the opposition Italian is not satisfied with a symbolic gesture, dear Veltroni. He wants the whole government.
Bernard Kouchner told Le Monde tonight his reasons, "Pourquoi j'ai accepté " .
I ur montage ( Asia Argento at Cannes is symbolic to Prodi faces) is an arbitrary interpretation of images of current events.
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Survival Of Prostate Cancer Gleason 8
Yesterday was a collision. A newspaper the indicated between Berlusconi and Prodi. Another newspaper in the same Prodi and Rutelli.
The cause of the dispute with the lord of Arcore, is the law on conflict of interest. With the leader of the Margherita, the question of ICI on the first house. Man of the Prime Minister's office said no to its abolition.
Clash? It turns out that it was just a misprint. And the whole problem (either with friends or by the opponent) will be reduced to find the road of 'discount'. The usual way to avoid precisely the clashes. And all agree to put down prices. With allies in the government and the opposition in parliament.
must understand them. Berlusconi has only rallies when he can pull off his repertoire. Prodi knows best knowledge and belief that the countdown is not about his lovely person, but the political discourse of a majority in the Senate of breath and troubled gestation of the Democratic Party with attached departure of prominent figures. Of the two is better
Prodi. Who knows the message with which each new pope, the Church recalls the vanity of earthly things: while burning a wick, to pronounce the phrase "Sic transit gloria mundi." Berlusconi still
instead we believe the balance of "his" right, that's all right in the country. But there is no longer the needle and someone (Casini?) Has hidden the even balance.
the supermarket of the policy, if Prodi is the discount to the knight, he receives a well to survive until the next elections (in four years).
The question of conflict of interest seems dell'ammuina the old story: we move to frighten the enemy. And Berlusconi is screaming, shouting, imitating himself to show that he commands in his home. Meanwhile, oxygen and nitrogen
cheerfully exchange the shares in the hospital intensive care units. They think they're the government.
Friday, May 4, 2007
What Does A Meningitis Rash Feel Like
In Rimini the cost of living increases 3.2% per year compared with 1, 5 nationally.
is not a new fact. Expensive city always has been, since the Sixties. Rich city thanks to a very underground type of economy. On which govern the fortunes of a few. And from whom they derive a lot of headaches. Ie those who must pay such high rents.
city where real estate speculation has become a political phenomenon unchallenged for a deal not so much secret division of the pie. So if anyone dares to set up a campaign against journalism, we call the place. It happened. It was predictable. It did not upset anyone. Indeed. Imagine the comments. You saw what came from outside, who knows who thought he was. And behind
is a political compromise to anything secret, with two aldermen ousted for opposing the building too concrete, and then a good election result. Municipal 2006. Forza Italy loses 52.13% of the vote, while NAs halls of 16.26. A slice of the vote for the pole center-left. A sign that his previous administration, the center-right (or at least parts of it) if not then it was gone so bad.
July 2006. Former mayoral candidate of the Polo chooses not to vote against the junta, but to abstain on the planning guidelines of the city government.
mess or foresight? In those days, the Speaker of the House Bertinotti told the La Stampa: "The difficulties can be overcome by broadening the majority government "with a frank discussion that" in the wall is already in progress. " The President of the Senate
Marini resorted to a convoluted formula to rely more compared with fewer votes than the opposition and armored vehicles to enter into shared choices.
Now Rimini becomes a kind of symbol of the national policy framework. Seems to anticipate a condition of a national bipartisan.
But at whose expense? Who should be the soaring cost of living, people of non-privileged classes, while increasing the wealth of a large class, which is no political difference because luxury has no party card, approve all except a few critics look bad and pointed at as dangerous subversive.
Antonio Montanari Rimini
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Coughing And Taste Like Blood
About the history of the Franciscan library Malatesti , found that there are hundreds of books about it and thousands of pages dedicated to it, I propose to Mr. Mayor of my city to identify the anonymous who made it to write to a local newspaper claiming that it would be a "pataca" Rimini, that is an invention pure and simple, and to take him with the TSO, mandatory medical treatment reserved for those who, with serious psychological imbalance, can seriously harm to himself and to others.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
How Do I Know My Ringworm Is Healing?
News and documents
The project to set up a library open to the public and especially helpful to poor students, has testified in 1430 on the initiative of Roberto Malatesta Jailbird, which follows a plan of his uncle Charles (who died the year before).
Testament of Robert Valturio leaving his library to "liberaria (library) of the convent of the friars of San Francesco di Rimini" ad usum studentium aliorum Fratrum et hominum et civitatis Arimini ', with the proviso that the brothers make build "in Unani aliam liberariam solarium desuper actam to usum liberarie dictum."
This document (published for the first time in 1794 in ANGELO Battaglini literary court of Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta ), we obtain:
1. In 1475 there is already a "liberaria" the convent of San Francesco.
2. This "liberaria shall be placed on the ground floor.
3. It "liberaria" (writes A. Battaglini) had already become abundant at the expense of Sigismund, but lay 'flat on the ground pregiudicevole materials to ensure the facts' (Battaglini, op. Cit., P. 168).
The transport takes place upstairs in 1490 (see below for annum). Battaglini
concludes that Rimini "had no less then his Prince Sigismund, which at its citizen Roberto Valtur [Valturio] made the purchase of a public library '(Battaglini, op. Cit., P. 170).
Sigismund, as stated in the first Valturio, gives the Franciscan monastic library, designed by his uncle Carlo Malatesta, "many volumes of books, sacred and profane, and best of all disciplines" [cf. R. Valtur De re militari, XII, 13].
The inclusion of 1490 (not 1420 as initially had been read), recalls the trasferimento della biblioteca francescana al piano superiore del convento da quello a terra, «pregiudicievole a materiali sì fatti» (Battaglini, op. cit., p. 169). Questa iscrizione è tuttora conservata nel Museo della Città di Rimini.
Di questa iscrizione non è stata mai fornita sinora la corretta trascrizione. Infatti si è letto come « sum » quanto va trascritto come « summa ».
Il testo latino è questo: «Principe Pandulpho. Malatestae sanguine cretus, dum Galaotus erat spes patriaeque pater. Divi eloqui interpres, Baiote Ioannes, summa tua cura sita hoc biblioteca loco. 1490».
Ecco la traduzione: «Sotto il principato Pandolfo. While Jailbird, born from the blood of Malatesta, hope and was the father of the country. For your great care, John Baioti theologian, the library was put into this place. 1490.
Pandolfo IV, 1475-1534, is the son of Roberto Novello (1442-1482), in turn son of Sigismund (1417-68).
Roberto died fighting in the service of the Church. With him was Malatesti Raymond (son of Malatesta and Almerico Amabilia Castracani) that went to Rimini the news of the death of the lord of the city.
Jailbird [Jailbird Louis II], son of Malatesta Almerico (and brother of Raymond), is governor and guardian of Pandolfo di Rimini.
John Baiotti from Lugo, Franciscan friar, theologian and is the guardian of the convent of San Francesco.
Raymond Malatesti March 6, 1492 is killed by his nephews and Pandolfo Gaspar, son of his brother Louis II Jailbird remembered in stone.
The crime is considered by Clementini the root of all evils that afflict Rimini later, that "the precipice of 'extermination of citizens and gentlemen," Malatesta and their home. On July 31, 1492
Pandolfo and Gaspar, the murderers of his uncle Raymond, are used by his father Louis II Jailbird for a conspiracy against the same Pandolfo IV and his family.
to send air to avoid a massacre, we think Violante Aldobrandini, second wife of that Jailbird Lodovico and sister of Elizabeth, mother of Pandolfo IV.
In Elizabeth's house was killed Raymond Malatesti almost five months earlier (March 6, 1492).
in the same household of Elizabeth is killed Jailbird Louis, while his son Pandolfo is out of the way into the house of the lord of Rimini Pandolfo IV. Gaspare instead is arrested, tried and summarily beheaded.
Two and a half months after the plot failed and the death of its creators, Violante tie the marriage. Violante was the stepmother of Gaspar and Pandolfo, children of the first wife of Louis Jailbird, Raffaella by Barbian.
Pandolfo Galeotto Lodovico in turn had four children (Charles, Malatesta, Raffaella, Laura) forgiven by Pandolfo IV a testimony of his desire for peace within the family and the city.
From 1492 for nearly a century, the political killings that have registered, will continue "to bring down blood", as acutely observed Copioli Rosita.
The library consisted of two rows of parapets of twenty items each. "About" hundred and fifty works are in the front row, "about" one hundred twenty-three in the second. Or "approximately" 273 works in all.
These data result from an inventory of 1560 (p. 346) stored at Perugia and published in 1901 by Joseph in a Mazzatinti essay entitled "The library of San Francesco (Tempio Malatesta) in Rimini, in the volume" Writings of various Philology "appeared in Rome at Forzani, printers of the Senate, pp. 345-352.
Mazzatinti's essay is dated "Forlì, in August 1901."
Remembering this inventory carefully 1560 , consider a news about the 1511, and contained in a text ms. Father Francis Anthony Righini (SC-MS 372, "Miscellaneous Scriptorum ...", c. 284r, Library Gambalunga of Rimini).
Righini writes books convent of San Francesco that the library had been transferred Rome 'sic jubente Pontiff. "
Righini specify the year (note the 1511), citing a text of Paride Grassi on the living room in Rimini at the same Franciscan pope, Julius II.
(The text of Grassi, the papal master of ceremonies, was published in 1886, The two military expeditions of Julius II , in "Documents and Studies" of the National History Deputation for the province of Romagna, I). The step
Righini perhaps alludes to a partial transfer Franciscan library, since the fact that in 1560 it consisted of two rows of plutei twenty items each for a total of "approximately" 273 works.
seventeenth century. In
Site of Rimini Raffaele Adimari , which comes out in Brescia in 1616, says (I, p. 72) that at the Conventual Franciscan monastery there was a "sumptuous, et good library."
early seventeenth century, states Antonio Bianchi ( Rimini's history from its origins to 1832 , Rimini 1997, edited by Antonio Montanari, p. 146), "the valuable library, the Malatesta, to preserve it for public good , had given custody to the monks of San Francesco, "there remain only four hundred volumes for most manuscripts.
This "remnant" of four hundred volumes (Actually much less, "about" 273 , as the inventory of 1560), the second is lost Monsignor James Villani (1605-1690), because those precious papers end up in the hands of butchers ('deinde in manus mea salsamentariorum Aetate might come satis constat ').
Sartoni Frederick (1730-1786), as reported by Luigi Tonini ( Rimini after Mille, p. 94), argues that the brothers sold the library to Roman family of Cesi, in which the brothers belong Angelo (Bishop of Rimini from 1627 to 1646) and Federico, founder of the Accademia dei Lincei in 1603. The manuscript
Sartoni is BGR, SC-Ms.1136: Sarton, FEDERICO COSIMO, Copying a hotchpotch mss. that was in the house now owned by NU and Sartoni Mr Domenico Mattioli, containing statements and warnings for the history of Rimini ... Is in: Tonini, Luigi [Chronicles Rimini ...] (ff. 222-97). The part that concerns us here is the cc. 49-50.
eighteenth century.
The convent of San Francesco is largely restored, as documented by MS. AB 51, relating to expenditures made "for the Convent of the Fabrica ( 1762-1764) ', held in the State Archives of Rimini, Fondo Congregations deleted.
1. Francesco Gaetano Battaglini in his Memoirs on the history of Rimini (1789, p. 281) writes that in 1490 was the transportation of the "famous" Franciscan library "in the most convenient place," according to the provisions of Valturio.
above to add Battaglini, the Franciscan library had been "enriched by Sigismund codes, and furnishings enhanced by the book 'of the same Valturio. (This step is represented by Luigi Tonini in Story of Rimini, III, p. 321.)
2. The municipal archive and library. For some time before, "apud locum Fratrum Minorum '(ie the same Franciscan monastery) was the local archives (FG Battaglini, p. 44). This site archive is defined in the mid-fifteenth century. as' sacristy Communis Arimini Conventu in Sancti Francisci (FG Battaglini, ibid.)
The presence of the public archive at the site monastery and ancient documents a particular relationship between the city government and the fathers of the church of San Francesco, well prior to the birth of that "famous" library that, even Battaglini, having been enriched by Sigismund, then when he rules there Rimini: from 1430 along with his brothers Roberto Jailbird (disappearing October 10, 1432) and Domenico Malatesta Novello and 1433 alone (while Novello becomes Lord of Cesena).
About the archive from another source (a chronicle of the 1532 signed by Father Alessandro da Rimini and published in the last century by Father Gregory Giovanardi ), we obtain:
a) the time of Pope Paul II (1464 - 71) is on fire the sacristy of the church of St. Francis with loss of manuscripts. 'Ancient and important "(remember what is reported in about FG Battaglini" in the sacristy Communis Arimini Conventu Sancti Francisci'
b) the rest of the archive, around 1528, is said to Rome by Pope Clement VII (1523-34 ).
3. Augusto Campana [1932] in famous study of the Italian libraries, writes about the presence of the Franciscan fathers in the library Malatesta: "It is possible, but it is only prudent to give it as possible ," that this library - to use words of Farms - was entrusted to the friars of San Francis "." Bell continues: "However at those, in the middle of the fifteenth , had established a considerable collection of books ", then enriched by Sigismund (see above). So
Bell does not put in doubt the existence of a public library Malatesta ad usum communem pauperum et aliorum studentium, "but noted that it is prudent (Following farms) can be considered its management by the friars. The
but contrasts sharply with the will of Valturio in 1475 that speaks directly to those brothers. If they had handled them, Valturio would not have written what we read in his will (in three drafts), where he always speaks of "the library of the convent of the friars of St. Francis."
cards Stock speak clearly, and make void observation of Masseria and the resulting caution Campana.
4. Massera. publishing the full text of the essay on Massera Gambalunga content 'academies and libraries of Italy, " 1928, VI, p. 27: "It is likely that this library was entrusted to the friars of St. Francis, whose convent was contiguous to the church," which later became the Temple of Malatesta. "Exactly Sigismondo was to enrich the library of the Conventual many volumes," as evidenced Valturio etc. Then
Massera writes that the inscription "still exists" certify "that the requested accommodation took place or time", as guardian of John Baiotti Lugo. On p.
29 Massera blames Conventual Rimini he had left "to waste the wealth collected. The brothers sold freely
the library to the Roman family of Cesi, as it seems to support Sartoni? Perhaps they were not forced
tell by the Roman bishop, but from their miserable conditions (resulting from many documents held in the State Archives of Rimini).
Certainly Massera not know the news of Righini of 1511 (the library was transferred to Rome, "Pope jubente sic).
5. Before Cesena. If the library Long Legs (1619) is the third in Italy to be public after the Ambrosiana in Milan (1609) and Angelica in Rome (1614), to the Franciscans and the Malatesta of Rimini of the fifteenth century it would be the merit of being the first ever to be public , starting from the document of 1430. And being made prior to that sort of Cesena that it will open only in 1452 (see below, the tab "between Rimini and Cesena).
The Long Legs, it added, is the first in Italy to be "civic" (ie the City).
between Rimini and Cesena
The relations between Rimini and Cesena in mid-fifteenth century, are documented through two editions of Pliny's Naturalis Historia.
1. The Pliny of Jacopo della Pergola (1446)
The first, completed by Jacopo della Pergola in Rimini on 11 October 1446, was intended (according to Raimondo Zazzeri, 1887) from Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta . Who then gave it his brother Malatesta Novello that he inserted in the library Cesena (S. XI. I).
Zazzeri This news was denied by Enza Savino ( Both Pliny's Naturalis Historia Malatesta, in Libraria Domains. Malatesta Manuscripts Library: Texts and decorations , edited by edited by Piero and Fabrizio Lollini Lucchi, Bologna, Grafis, 1995, pp. 103-114), only according to "the fact that Sigismondo Pandolfo, according to the image delivered by local historians, not cultivated by bibliophile interests nor by bibliographer with the same passion and perseverance the brother. " The image
Enza Savino resumes Sigismund "by local historians," is all the opposite of reality. We have already seen that Sigismund, as he wrote Valturio , gives the Franciscan library 'many volumes of books, sacred and profane, and best of all disciplines. " (Texts Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Chaldeans and Arabs, "which traces that remain of the project to spread knowledge of Sigismund open to listening to all voices, from Aristotle to Cicero, Aulus Gellius by Lucretius in De rerum natura of , from Seneca to St. Augustine, up to Diogenes Laertius Vitae and its of the ancient philosophers: cf. my humanist philosopher Sigmund ).
not interested in establishing, What the rest difficult if not impossible, if indeed the ms. S. XI. I was ordered by Sigismund Jacopo della Pergola. The fact is that it has been worked Rimini and then it ended up Cesena.
Augustus Bell [1932] points out that James has worked in Rimini and Fano. This suggests that this important conclusion: it is possible to assume that the copyists "were exchanged as needed between the Lord of Cesena and Rimini to .
2. The Pliny of Francesco da Figline (1451) The other
Naturalis Historia Cesena (S. XXIV. 5), is the work of Francesco da Figline commissioned by Medical Rimini Giovanni di Marco ("scriptus et completus for me fratrem Franciscum de Fighine ordinis pro Minorum excellent ac prestantissimo artium et medicine doctor Iohann Marci de Arimino die 10 Maii 1451).
testament to the library was left in Cesena in 1474 by Giovanni di Marco, former personal physician of Malatesta Novello.
In 1451 the Malatesta of Cesena had not yet completed. It will be the following year ("the library was completed in 1452: M CCCCLII / Matheus Nutius fanensi ex urbe creatus, / Dedalus alter, opus off deduxit unguem to 'see. Campana). So
Francesco da Figline was not yet in the city of Novello who then appointed the first librarian of Malatesta. But it was still in Rimini. Where do you work (also) to John Mark who was active both as a doctor in Rimini and Cesena.
The two manuscripts of Pliny document therefore cartel activity 'book' Rimini after 1430 and before 1452 (opening of the Library of Cesena).
This activity can easily be connected to the existence of the library Malatesta in the convent of San Francesco di Rimini .
For that period of time the documents are, if you do not forget to properly interpret those that already exist, just as the works 'Rimini' by Jacopo della Pergola (1446) and Francesco da Figline (1451).
Antonio Montanari
04/21/2007 04/23/2007
Thursday, March 29, 2007
What Does Mucas Look Like If You Have Concieved?
by the editors of StampaWeb get an email: my blog is now "linked in a fixed" the page of 'policy' of the site of StampaWeb.
I'm touched (sincerely) and worried.
As an old reporter I know that one must always be the situation, at any time. This forces me not to take lightly either the blog or the honor that I receive the alert.
The text of this post goes here: / antoniomontanari /
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Monday, March 26, 2007
My Webcam On Oovoo Isn't Working
I was right to write the September that " Rimini becomes increasingly dangerous to write to the pitfalls mafia already proven" against me.
The criticisms of an anonymous "scholar" is not headed to the fact that the library has been (as was) just the first public library in Italian, but the very existence of the library of San Francesco Malatesta.
short for him (the 'scholar' mysterious) would be a typical 'pataca " Rimini argue that in the second half of 1400 Malatesta in Rimini was the library of St. Francis.
I phoned to the newspaper, I could not talk to its director, but only with an editor.
To which I said:
1. I have not copied by the anonymous author mentioned "scholar" (Volume 2004);
2. I and the author of 2004, we drew on the same sources of 1800 and before, etc..;
3. that the newspaper would have to be fair to call the phone before publishing an article "against" me, but designed to hit (for each other and controversy), the author of that book;
4. There is also the extremes to which a lawsuit for defamation (in fact it is written that I have copied etc. and that I made up the library of San Francesco Malatesta).
I told the editor of the newspaper that the anonymous author of the so-called "libel" (that simply does not deserve ...), an email response. He comes disguised as "Gian Filippo Asinari of San Martino."
The same newspaper then had to back down, even though he tried to save face by typing in the title that "the question remains' well with the views reported that all point to the existence of the Franciscan library. Obviously.
Now I just have to remember one fact: the person that two years ago, I was slandered on the Internet be subject to liability in court .
Since I do not want to spend time behind the nonsense, let "Asinari Gian Filippo di San Martino" (which I know well who is) in his encyclopedic knowledge, and I do my business, since He do not come to bother her and myself. Amen.
This text can be read here:
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Hairstyles 2010 Summer Australia
The Lion Tie discussed in Rimini for a research library (which does not summarize). I find that abroad is a character that people are talking about.
The reason is this item ( ) English Wikipedia:
"In the finales siglo XVII, y el erudite theologian Leo católico Allatius en su obra De Praeputio Our Domini Jesu Christi Diatribe (acercarmelo Discusión de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo of the prepuce) speculated that the Holy Foreskin could have ascended to heaven while Jesus would have become the rings of Saturn, who had recently seen using telescopes. "
Il 24 febbraio è stato il topic ripreso its .
Il blog nel March 18 Da
aggiungo part of me, per chi è agitato whether commento per il 28 febbraio ( ), held that the speech is confirmed by the official statement of the City ( ) stating in part that's interesting:
" volume is lost then [ after 1659, ed ] tracks, until you find it among the books belonging to a large Rimini of the eighteenth century, Cardinal Joseph Garampi, who chose to donate it to the death Gambalunga Library, as clear from the transcript in an ancient legacy of the 1792 catalog. After this date, the code ended up completely forgotten until the current discovery. "
not give the blame to the poor if reporters spoke of a text "found." The official title of the announcement is exactly this: "Found code to the autograph of a Long Legs Lion Tie, great intellectual of the seventeenth century, considered lost."
Lion Tie and Jesus Christ
Monday, March 19, 2007
Cover Letter For Beauty Therapist Example
The Chronicles judicial, political and social events, recording the work of the Authority for the protection of privacy, after an event has happened or who had a nasty business for a leading politician .
who has not committed any crime, except a lack of good taste by turning cautious at night to certain streets.
I want to emphasize the fact that privacy is that authority is readily move.
If a private citizen is not listening to the targets, while public figures are immediately protected.
Two years ago a letter with false information had closed one of my sites as illegal.
The site owner had received proof that the news was false, but he had lifted a finger to reopen the site.
The Guarantor of privacy does not even answer me.
In January, it ended up in jail who did write the letter with false information against me.
The webmaster has reopened even before knowing that the lawyer who had written from London and formed the letter with false information will soon be tried in Rimini (where I live) for defamation against me. Mr
Guarantor, but who guarantees? Only the powerful or the Palace of the mundane world?
Started Walking Burning Feet
On 25 March 1957, the radio transmitted the news of the signing of the Treaties of Rome, which united Europe was born, consisting of six states: Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. I had read the ad in the Corriere della Sera, the Holy Bible of political conservatism, summed up with the famous reply that his legendary director at the time, Mario Missiroli, those who told him to treat a certain subject: "To do this, you should have available a newspaper."
Europe that was born that day in Rome was a dream come true policy to open new horizons in a continent that, during the twentieth century, had been repeatedly injured and destroyed by the rivalry between the countries as a sign of political and economic primates . My generation (I was almost fifteen years), came into the world of their own during the Second World War, had reason to entertain a sincere hope that the dramas of the previous ones will not happen again. So far, fortunately it was.
Rimini in 1957 already had long been a cosmopolitan city with a strong connotation. Its tourist tradition had also open to cultural exchange with the peoples of the continent. The day after the conclusion of the conflict that lasted from 1939 to 1945, Rimini occasions for guests of the European countries with a momentum similar to that of the ephemeral "economic miracle" of the rest of Italy, but with more certainty to respond to a its strong business vocation well even after the darkest moments. Vocation that was meeting with people from different countries not only the instrument of his own wealth, but also an opportunity for hope in the construction of political unity of the continent.
In 1980, the late prof. Giancarlo Susini, Professor of History at the University of Bologna, Rimini, a city called "open" because over the centuries has held the line with the East and the world through the streets of the sea. Without ever being Levantine, he added, in her "some of its bell tower rises up like a minaret.
Europe today looks to the East to make the Mediterranean sea "our" not in the old sense of the term used by the Romans, but in the modern one of a commonality of interests and intentions of all people that face. In this context and according to these perspectives, the historical experience makes it a city of Rimini forerunner of Europeanism by virtue of an experience that actually began in mid-fifteenth century. The then Lord City, Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta, left us a symbol not only of its action but also its political projects that we feel like our contemporaries. I am referring to the Temple which tells the sense of historical continuity in the Mediterranean basin, with the unifying synthesis that favors the agreement, identification, recognition of what is common, while the strictly geographical analysis of the individual territorial units tends to divide and oppose. If you look back
well as cultural events of the centuries following that of Sigismund, we see a breath not provincial in our lands, even with an open outlook to the exchange with the best minds of Europe. I will cite only two examples. In 1680 Marcello Malpighi sent from Bologna to the Academy of the Royal Society of London (which is a member), a copy of a scientific book published two years earlier by a scientist born in 1647 in the Diocese of Rimini, Giuseppe Antonio Barbarians. That book is still in London at the British Library. In the next century the name of the doctor and scientist Rimini Giovanni Bianchi (1693-1775) turns to Europe, especially through his book of 1739 dedicated to the shells 'little known' found near our sea.
To sum up the ideal placement of Rimini in the history of the last centuries, have recourse to the title of a book ('the Mill', 1984) dedicated to Renato Serra: "Between Europe and the province." Not only that Europe must remain a common currency, a shared history but also to leave those who come after us more than our hopes.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
One Sided Muscle Spasms
The "Guido Nozzoli" I cared about Wiki is also present on "netencyclo" at this address: / Guido_Nozzoli
The site dedicated to Guido Nozzoli Available on is this: