The Lion Tie discussed in Rimini for a research library (which does not summarize). I find that abroad is a character that people are talking about.
The reason is this item ( ) English Wikipedia:
"In the finales siglo XVII, y el erudite theologian Leo católico Allatius en su obra De Praeputio Our Domini Jesu Christi Diatribe (acercarmelo Discusión de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo of the prepuce) speculated that the Holy Foreskin could have ascended to heaven while Jesus would have become the rings of Saturn, who had recently seen using telescopes. "
Il 24 febbraio è stato il topic ripreso its .
Il blog nel March 18 Da
aggiungo part of me, per chi è agitato whether commento per il 28 febbraio ( ), held that the speech is confirmed by the official statement of the City ( ) stating in part that's interesting:
" volume is lost then [ after 1659, ed ] tracks, until you find it among the books belonging to a large Rimini of the eighteenth century, Cardinal Joseph Garampi, who chose to donate it to the death Gambalunga Library, as clear from the transcript in an ancient legacy of the 1792 catalog. After this date, the code ended up completely forgotten until the current discovery. "
not give the blame to the poor if reporters spoke of a text "found." The official title of the announcement is exactly this: "Found code to the autograph of a Long Legs Lion Tie, great intellectual of the seventeenth century, considered lost."
Lion Tie and Jesus Christ
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