Saturday, May 19, 2007

Latest Research On Emphysema

Laws, few or too many?

He had always read that in Italy we produce too many laws. Now the talk has turned upside down. Romano Prodi has accused the Parliament to work little and badly. Of the 104 government proposals, only ten have been approved.
The new laws last year (the first Prodi at Palazzo Chigi) were 38. One every ten days. When the governing center-right, the houses approve a bill every 2.6 days.
But we really need all these new laws?
Recall that the excess of regulatory requirements was also criticized by the opposition leader.
The President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano has intervened in the matter with the full weight of his role.
Apart from the obvious reminder of unruly school children (to "harmonize the work of both houses of parliament), the most important thing in his letter to the chairmen of the Chambers, is the reprimand to the government, evident in the passage on decree-laws. Once submitted are subject to change until it becomes a salad Russian. The step
Napolitano is this: "The adoption of strict criteria for avoiding substantial changes in the content of the decree-law is essential to ensuring, at all stages of the proceedings than the limits set by Article 77 of the Constitution the use of a source of law marked by extraordinary and obvious characteristics that affect the relationship's delicate-government and parliament majority and opposition. "
That you can not change the "spirit" of a decree-law in parliament, adding that got to do things like cabbage.
The allusion is to the text agreed to reschedule the debts of health, in which the government has the abolition of the ticket. The reprimand
Napolitano is flawless in terms of the Constitution. He is right to sell.
The government could defend itself by arguing that his is a well-established Italian tradition, to put something "weird" in a decree-law. And in law and politics, often suggests the tradition of traveling the same road.
work harder, for the gentlemen and senators, should not mean more to produce a continuous stream, but try to understand the real needs of the country. To which the sovereign parliament should be careful.
But the parliament is not only a majority. In it, the opposition also has a role. What now seems be reduced only to the countdown to the end of the Prodi government.
But this is not a good method of parliamentary work. For the sake of democracy. It is useless to bandy around the polls, as is constantly Berlusconi. Which now gives the government 23%. This virtual reality can cheer his fans, but there is no point in the difficult road of politics as the common good.
As there is no point to the statement of Walter Veltroni. If with Sarkozy in France goes to the government of a man who left the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Bernard Kouchner, said the mayor of Rome, let us also in Rome, Gianni Letta, former undersecretary to the Prime Minister Berlusconi. It is no good because the opposition Italian is not satisfied with a symbolic gesture, dear Veltroni. He wants the whole government.

Bernard Kouchner told Le Monde tonight his reasons, "Pourquoi j'ai accepté " .

I ur montage ( Asia Argento at Cannes is symbolic to Prodi faces) is an arbitrary interpretation of images of current events.


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