Friday, May 4, 2007

What Does A Meningitis Rash Feel Like


In Rimini the cost of living increases 3.2% per year compared with 1, 5 nationally.
is not a new fact. Expensive city always has been, since the Sixties. Rich city thanks to a very underground type of economy. On which govern the fortunes of a few. And from whom they derive a lot of headaches. Ie those who must pay such high rents.
city where real estate speculation has become a political phenomenon unchallenged for a deal not so much secret division of the pie. So if anyone dares to set up a campaign against journalism, we call the place. It happened. It was predictable. It did not upset anyone. Indeed. Imagine the comments. You saw what came from outside, who knows who thought he was. And behind
is a political compromise to anything secret, with two aldermen ousted for opposing the building too concrete, and then a good election result. Municipal 2006. Forza Italy loses 52.13% of the vote, while NAs halls of 16.26. A slice of the vote for the pole center-left. A sign that his previous administration, the center-right (or at least parts of it) if not then it was gone so bad.
July 2006. Former mayoral candidate of the Polo chooses not to vote against the junta, but to abstain on the planning guidelines of the city government.
mess or foresight? In those days, the Speaker of the House Bertinotti told the La Stampa: "The difficulties can be overcome by broadening the majority government "with a frank discussion that" in the wall is already in progress. " The President of the Senate
Marini resorted to a convoluted formula to rely more compared with fewer votes than the opposition and armored vehicles to enter into shared choices.
Now Rimini becomes a kind of symbol of the national policy framework. Seems to anticipate a condition of a national bipartisan.
But at whose expense? Who should be the soaring cost of living, people of non-privileged classes, while increasing the wealth of a large class, which is no political difference because luxury has no party card, approve all except a few critics look bad and pointed at as dangerous subversive.
Antonio Montanari Rimini


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