Thursday, March 29, 2007

What Does Mucas Look Like If You Have Concieved?

political blogs on the U.S. StampaWeb

by the editors of StampaWeb get an email: my blog is now "linked in a fixed" the page of 'policy' of the site of StampaWeb.
I'm touched (sincerely) and worried.
As an old reporter I know that one must always be the situation, at any time. This forces me not to take lightly either the blog or the honor that I receive the alert.

The text of this post goes here: / antoniomontanari /

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Getty Images Without Watermark

Oscar Bartoli

Monday, March 26, 2007

My Webcam On Oovoo Isn't Working

I was right ...

I was right to write the
September that " Rimini becomes increasingly dangerous to write to the pitfalls mafia already proven" against me.
few days ago happened: a daily Rimini published full-page service to demolish the thesis in the library of St. Francis as Malatesta first library public in Italy .

The criticisms of an anonymous "scholar" is not headed to the fact that the library has been (as was) just the first public library in Italian, but the very existence of the library of San Francesco Malatesta.
short for him (the 'scholar' mysterious) would be a typical 'pataca " Rimini argue that in the second half of 1400 Malatesta in Rimini was the library of St. Francis.

I phoned to the newspaper, I could not talk to its director, but only with an editor.
To which I said:
1. I have not copied by the anonymous author mentioned "scholar" (Volume 2004);
2. I and the author of 2004, we drew on the same sources of 1800 and before, etc..;
3. that the newspaper would have to be fair to call the phone before publishing an article "against" me, but designed to hit (for each other and controversy), the author of that book;
4. There is also the extremes to which a lawsuit for defamation (in fact it is written that I have copied etc. and that I made up the library of San Francesco Malatesta).
I told the editor of the newspaper that the anonymous author of the so-called "libel" (that simply does not deserve ...), an email response. He comes disguised as "Gian Filippo Asinari of San Martino."

The same newspaper then had to back down, even though he tried to save face by typing in the title that "the question remains' well with the views reported that all point to the existence of the Franciscan library. Obviously.

Now I just have to remember one fact: the person
that two years ago, I was slandered on the Internet be subject to liability in court .
Since I do not want to spend time behind the nonsense, let
"Asinari Gian Filippo di San Martino" (which I know well who is) in his encyclopedic knowledge, and I do my business, since He do not come to bother her and myself. Amen.

This text can be read here:

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Hairstyles 2010 Summer Australia

Lion Tie and Jesus Christ

The Lion Tie discussed in Rimini for a research library (which does not summarize). I find that abroad is a character that people are talking about.

The reason is this item ( ) English Wikipedia:
"In the finales siglo XVII, y el erudite theologian Leo católico Allatius en su obra De Praeputio Our Domini Jesu Christi Diatribe (acercarmelo Discusión de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo of the prepuce) speculated that the Holy Foreskin could have ascended to heaven while Jesus would have become the rings of Saturn, who had recently seen using telescopes. "

Il 24 febbraio è stato il topic ripreso its .
Il blog nel March 18 Da

aggiungo part of me, per chi è agitato whether commento per il 28 febbraio ( ), held that the speech is confirmed by the official statement of the City ( ) stating in part that's interesting:

" volume is lost then [ after 1659, ed ] tracks, until you find it among the books belonging to a large Rimini of the eighteenth century, Cardinal Joseph Garampi, who chose to donate it to the death Gambalunga Library, as clear from the transcript in an ancient legacy of the 1792 catalog. After this date, the code ended up completely forgotten until the current discovery. "

not give the blame to the poor if reporters spoke of a text "found." The official title of the announcement is exactly this: "Found code to the autograph of a Long Legs Lion Tie, great intellectual of the seventeenth century, considered lost."

Lion Tie and Jesus Christ

Monday, March 19, 2007

Cover Letter For Beauty Therapist Example

Privacy unequal

The Chronicles judicial, political and social events, recording the work of the Authority for the protection of privacy, after an event has happened or who had a nasty business for a leading politician .
who has not committed any crime, except a lack of good taste by turning cautious at night to certain streets.
I want to emphasize the fact that privacy is that authority is readily move.
If a private citizen is not listening to the targets, while public figures are immediately protected.
Two years ago a letter with false information had closed one of my sites as illegal.
The site owner had received proof that the news was false, but he had lifted a finger to reopen the site.
The Guarantor of privacy does not even answer me.
In January, it ended up in jail who did write the letter with false information against me.
The webmaster has reopened even before knowing that the lawyer who had written from London and formed the letter with false information will soon be tried in Rimini (where I live) for defamation against me. Mr
Guarantor, but who guarantees? Only the powerful or the Palace of the mundane world?
Antonio Montanari

Started Walking Burning Feet

Europe, a vocation for Guido Rimini

On 25 March 1957, the radio transmitted the news of the signing of the Treaties of Rome, which united Europe was born, consisting of six states: Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. I had read the ad in the Corriere della Sera, the Holy Bible of political conservatism, summed up with the famous reply that his legendary director at the time, Mario Missiroli, those who told him to treat a certain subject: "To do this, you should have available a newspaper."
Europe that was born that day in Rome was a dream come true policy to open new horizons in a continent that, during the twentieth century, had been repeatedly injured and destroyed by the rivalry between the countries as a sign of political and economic primates . My generation (I was almost fifteen years), came into the world of their own during the Second World War, had reason to entertain a sincere hope that the dramas of the previous ones will not happen again. So far, fortunately it was.
Rimini in 1957 already had long been a cosmopolitan city with a strong connotation. Its tourist tradition had also open to cultural exchange with the peoples of the continent. The day after the conclusion of the conflict that lasted from 1939 to 1945, Rimini occasions for guests of the European countries with a momentum similar to that of the ephemeral "economic miracle" of the rest of Italy, but with more certainty to respond to a its strong business vocation well even after the darkest moments. Vocation that was meeting with people from different countries not only the instrument of his own wealth, but also an opportunity for hope in the construction of political unity of the continent.
In 1980, the late prof. Giancarlo Susini, Professor of History at the University of Bologna, Rimini, a city called "open" because over the centuries has held the line with the East and the world through the streets of the sea. Without ever being Levantine, he added, in her "some of its bell tower rises up like a minaret.
Europe today looks to the East to make the Mediterranean sea "our" not in the old sense of the term used by the Romans, but in the modern one of a commonality of interests and intentions of all people that face. In this context and according to these perspectives, the historical experience makes it a city of Rimini forerunner of Europeanism by virtue of an experience that actually began in mid-fifteenth century. The then Lord City, Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta, left us a symbol not only of its action but also its political projects that we feel like our contemporaries. I am referring to the Temple which tells the sense of historical continuity in the Mediterranean basin, with the unifying synthesis that favors the agreement, identification, recognition of what is common, while the strictly geographical analysis of the individual territorial units tends to divide and oppose. If you look back
well as cultural events of the centuries following that of Sigismund, we see a breath not provincial in our lands, even with an open outlook to the exchange with the best minds of Europe. I will cite only two examples. In 1680 Marcello Malpighi sent from Bologna to the Academy of the Royal Society of London (which is a member), a copy of a scientific book published two years earlier by a scientist born in 1647 in the Diocese of Rimini, Giuseppe Antonio Barbarians. That book is still in London at the British Library. In the next century the name of the doctor and scientist Rimini Giovanni Bianchi (1693-1775) turns to Europe, especially through his book of 1739 dedicated to the shells 'little known' found near our sea.
To sum up the ideal placement of Rimini in the history of the last centuries, have recourse to the title of a book ('the Mill', 1984) dedicated to Renato Serra: "Between Europe and the province." Not only that Europe must remain a common currency, a shared history but also to leave those who come after us more than our hopes.
Antonio Montanari

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

One Sided Muscle Spasms

Nozzoli, voice over netencyclo

The "Guido Nozzoli" I cared about Wiki is also present on "netencyclo" at this address: / Guido_Nozzoli

The site dedicated to Guido Nozzoli Available on is this: