To celebrate the last exam today verbalized ... =) Update ..=)
had abolished all contact with the family only because it was the Witch to order, did not go out except upon express order, did not do anything if it was not his mistress to say it. Satin
months passed and was pleased with the work, was really the perfect man for her, never once dared to contradict her and think that the transformation was not complete yet!
To discuss the effective completion of the plan came from the sovereign Satin.
"the plan is almost over Satin?"
"It its malevolence, is almost completely subjugated the human, it is a pleasure to have you home ... "
" You have to be careful! On this night we enter the critical phase of transformation, you will avoid any human contact with the First Love, otherwise the process will be canceled ... with serious consequences ... "
" How can I avoid meetings that Jake? "
" Do not worry about it ... I have made available a creature hell ... his job is to monitor the human. This way you can take care of creating the ultimate lethal potion ... then she will be yours. "
" A relative of mine who are human actions this time? "
" Ludmilla was pleased cederti your brother, says he will derive great pleasure .. "
Satin liked to shape their own play as best pleases ...
The look of Satin Meridia followed the mood ...
last the kingdom of the evil to its keeper Satin ..
Satin looked at him with contempt ... a werewolf! What a vile creature ... just be like that could be used as a guard dog ... dirty filthy beast ... would have incurred in his home that smell least, however, would serve as a deterrent to Jake ..
The presentation was monitored for its "guardian" as a shock. The girl looked at him with disgust, had not turned up their nose to the nauseating smell ... but looking into his eyes he smiled and simply said
"Call Rid"
now knew what love was sacrificed their life just to see that smile. In
"family picture" now there was one more member, the "pets" as he called Satin or a "new friend" as he preferred Rid. In
Indeed, the Guardian, there was a rather quiet in the house, almost as a background ..
The two women were in fact free to "love" freely without worrying that the werewolf was around the house.
For some months now, however, Satin often evaded the attentions of his slave. He spent most of the time bound in the attic. Reid could not set foot there and it was often discussed
"You do not even approach the scale! And you can never get close to the attic you understand? Otherwise you fall with my head own hands! "
" I understand mistress ... "Immediately after the debates
hair returned Viola.
Rid hated that color of hair, made her feel wrong .. certainly would not have dared to contradict Satin, if she wanted them she would have them purple purple .. only that he hated them. There.
"We prefer natural ... it seems so sad," his voice was so subtle as to seem almost a whisper. The werewolf
shut in the bathroom ... he should not have. He could not criticize the choices of the witch. He was an inferior being and as such had to stay in place .. but she was so pure in his eyes ..
was trying to mend, and soon would have to escort her to the campus ... there was no way to seem less .. less monster. She'd never looked like he wanted.
When he came out of the bathroom her hair was brown again and that smile on his face made him howl with joy.
The first exit without Rid Satin was the park of the State University
was carefree and happy, this time it was a joy dictated by the will of Satin, was a natural serenity ..
talking with his new friend was fun, he listened carefully and was not interrupted as Satin. What he had to say was important for him ..
"I think for you there is someone out there ready to love you ... you should just open your heart you know?"
"Who ever would love a beast?"
"Have you ever read the fable of Beauty and the Beast? He also said this ... and then when all seemed lost Belle came and broke the curse .. "
" As you know this? "
" My father always told me ... he ... "Reid stopped to talk to Stefano it was too painful. He no longer spoke to his parents, he saw his brothers. The Guardian did not understand and other questions ..
That evening, at the door of his room, he found a book of fairy tales with a note inside
"Rid ... Page 198"
He understood why she was so fond of that story was about a true love. Of how a sweet and gentle girl could turn a horrible beast into a prince. Maybe it was a message ... but this time they both need help ..
... He decided he would save Belle
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