Inside there were no computer .. anything of value .. but only a complete and close a folder on which someone had pinned a note
"I'll wait .. we'll talk about your future ..."
An address ..
Maya felt disgusted by this, what did he mean?
then glanced at the stacks of bills, he grabbed his coat and walked towards what probably would be his end. He spent a whole night to turn
BellaDonna for Bay and finally decided that he would be gone and said what he thought he would come home!
"I received your package, I am disgusted! What do you want from me? "
" Honey I've only seen these days, you know after years of experience are able to recognize a promising young man .. "
" See you do not know how this city .. not enough to be nice and motivated to find a job .. you must have the right connections and me baby is the right knowledge "
" Ah then tell me that she would like to find any job I have to go to bed with someone? "
" She realizes that it is disgusting as what? How can a woman sell her body to find a job? Where is the respect? "
" Listen dear, I'm giving you a chance, in fact your only chance, can not imagine how many girls are willing to do anything out there waiting for my act! You do not like what we do here? Well then go! But you'll just leave BellaDonna. But so you know, tomorrow you will be thrown out from your apartment since you have 3 months past due. Come home to mom and dad in your town, maybe find a job as a saleswoman .. "
Maya had not given up all his savings to his friends, had not seen his mother cry and her father look so grim to go home and say "No sorry I screwed up"
would remain there and would do whatever was in his power to stay.
Even if it meant selling his soul to the devil ..
"I'm glad you made the right decision, dancing here tonight so tomorrow you will pay the arrears by not worry .. From now on everything will be easier .. "
Maya performed and was also forced to smile ..
did not know that that was the easy part ..
The next night was his first client, a famous rock star who was in town for a concert and how he could not take advantage of the fresh meat?
With the money that night was able to buy a television and sofa, his fee was not very high but the rock star said of Christopher had been satisfied and then she was making a career.
In the months following its customers became numerous, and she slowly began a life of comfort ..
Maya threw her sheets every morning and they had a hot bath would remove from every corner of the house the smell of the squalor in which he lived now ..
Gradually this sense of revulsion began to disappear, many customers swore to love her and wanted to leave the family to her.
But she no longer believed in love, not a whore could love was repeated every day ..
One evening unexpectedly received a phone call from Chris ..
"Tell me? Simon VanHolden want me? "
" Elegant? The best clothes? Ben rigged? I realized I understood the Criptonotte at 10, no delay ok .. hello "
VanHolden Simon was the richest man in town, had almost made it! She was widowed very young and, according to Chris, not women attending for years ..
Strange that you would see her .. He prepared and went to
Criptonotte, fortunately that his client had given the garment of Horses, otherwise due out in Jeans!
in advance and was thought to sit down for a drink ..
After two hours he realized that he had received a bin and what annoyed at how ..
Ok that is Simon VanHolden but none has the right to make her dress style wedding favors them spend 50 simelons taxi for her to spend two hours sitting sipping martinis!
At one point he felt watched, a boy was sitting beside her and looked at her with a look of amused and intrigued the
"What are you sorry? What are you set? "
" I was wondering if I had understood that this is not an art gallery, the opening is down the street, you know it's strange to see a beautiful girl wearing a dress like that in a place like "
'Appearance a person .." What! How dare you!
"Well it's not to say but I feel that will not have two hours you're sitting there motionless to drink Martini, I think you now have drastically reduced the reserves of John"
Maya smiled and The boy took advantage
"What a smile? We must celebrate! Come with me! "
Maya for the first time since she came to spend an evening with a guy without knowing how it would end
The only thing I know is that it was having a ball
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