Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Mercury Helmet Costume

Important Notice.

The serious tone of the title is assssolutamente wanted!
So let's begin!

Dear boys and girls - should we say otherwise, but never mind eh? - We're not dead!
We know, we know, by now we had been given up for lost, and instead we are still here among you, even if little present!
On this point we would like to dwell on this "warning". We're here xD-spiritually-to reveal a mystery of mysteries that we're taking away from our yaoioso project is building a RPG online. A mad idea of two of our collaborators (ie special K! XD Kaoru and Kyoya) who is leading us away not only time but also the forces and finances XD.
So now you'll understand why at this time we have been very absent, and the release were blocked (as well as for various problems and commitments in real life).
But we are hopeful! Hopeful that once completed this massive project everything will be back to normal and then we could complete all ongoing projects. Regarding future we'll see.

That said, we ask that you be patient and be magnanimous towards us! ç__ç Wait! do not forget us!
as soon as possible but we will try to release something, but unfortunately the times are what they are, and we can not striplicarci! Unfortunately it does not allow us Pauer Yaoi these very useful gift!

Ok, I think it is better to give us a cut XD if you do not want to sink into a sea of nonsense!
Thank you for reading this far, and if you have not already done so to not have sent us to hell! And how would
Saku: Yaoi that is with you!


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